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High School Computer Science



1. Redoing portfolios/sample work- If you would like to redo a portfolio or sample work, you can webmail it to me. You are still able to earn full credit even if it is late!


2. Corrections on tests/quizzes- As an opportunity to earn more points on tests or quizzes, you can send me a webmail with each question you got wrong and the right answer. We also need at least one full sentence why the correct answer is in fact correct. You can earn back half the points you lost this way. Make sure you list in the subject of the webmail which test or quiz it is!


3. Book a call or schedule a call with me via webmail- If you're not sure what to do or you're stuck, we can talk on the phone or meet in the LL room.


Sample Work/Portfolios:


Unit 2 Lesson 10 Sample Work:


  • Complete the “Try This” activity on page 2. The chart must be fully filled out to receive full credit. 


Unit 3 Lesson 11 Portfolio:


  • REQUIRED: Watch THIS SHORT SCREENCAST so you know what you are doing! 

  • THEN: Complete the “Practice” activity on page 4. 


Unit 3 Lesson 13 Sample Work:


  • REQUIRED: Watch this SHORT SCREENCAST (about 2 minutes) so you know what you need to do for your Sample Work.

  • THEN: Complete the “Try This” activity on page 2. You don’t need to use Python for this. You can write out an algorithm in your own words. 

Unit 4 Lesson 13 Portfolio:


  • Complete the work on page 4. You can skip items 2,4, and 5. The idea here is to make a recycling chatbot that takes user input and uses if/elif/else statements to figure out if the item is recyclable based on whether it is paper or plastic, and whether it is soiled or not. You may use Google Draw, another website of your choosing, or make a flow chart on paper and submit a picture. You do not have to create Python code for this assignment (but you are welcome to if you like!) but we need to make a flowchart here. 

Unit 4 Lesson 18 Sample Work:


  • You may choose to complete the work on page 1 OR 2, you do not have to do both. Both of these programs make use of if/elif/else statements based on user input. You will need to create a Python program in Trinket (or another IDE of your choice) for this assignment. Review unit 4 lesson 4 for getting started with Trinket. 

Unit 5 Lesson 14 Sample Work: 


  • Complete the “Try This” activity on page 2. You may use any program you like or do it on paper. I recommend using

Unit 6 Lesson 14 Sample Work:


  • Complete the “Try This” work on page 2. Again, you can either use, a different program, or your notebook for this. 

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